Thursday, November 13, 2014

Orthopedic Testing Apps

The other day I had a friend ask myself and a classmate of mine to check out his shoulder.  He reported getting pushed into the boards during hockey and his shoulder was sore as a result of it.  When we arrived we observed him holding his shoulder close to his arm in a self splinting fashion and had him remove his shirt to examine it.  There were no asymmetries or visible separations but he had a very tender joint AC joint to palpation.  In Exam & Eval we have not been instructed on any AC joint tests so I got out my iPhone and used an orthopedic testing app called Core - Clinical Orthopedic Exam.  It instructed me on how to perform the cross over test and even provided video (all videos can be found on there youtube channel).  We ended up getting a positive test and we looked up instructions on how to make a sling for our friend since we did not have any handy at this website and instructed him as to ice periodically.  Since our friend is an engineer student he was curious about what we thought his injury was so I used Zygote Body to educate him on the AC joint.  A few days later he reported he was feeling better as well as confirming his injury with imaging that he did have a grade I AC joint sprain.

On another note there is an iPad app by 3D4Medical with plenty of orthopedic education animations and 3D models called Orthopedic Patient Education.  I have yet to try it but I will most likely get it when it goes on sale.

Aslo my classmates and I had a very brief moment in an NSC 2014 video at 0:52!

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